It's like String theory, except it's the edge & memeBrain of this torus that vibrates as the edge shrinks to zero length.
Version 1.0
Edge theory emerged from a 42 year quest to create a Unified Field Theo/logy by combining 4 core dualities we observe in our experienced Universe.
Figure 1 The pre-Light field Click underlined words for definitions Words with an added / or + also defined in Glossary
Imagine a single biological cell transforming into a real 3d caterpillar, and the caterpillar then transforming into a real 3d butterfly. In the exact same way, Edge theory proposes a mathematically rigorous process where the torus above transforms into a toroidal c/ell with its own DNA. This toroidal c/ell divides, just like a biological cell, an Infinite number of times, into an Infinite number of copies of itself. Just before dividing, the toroidal c/ell un-spirals its DNA into single strands, which reform after division. At a different stage, the toroidal c/ell also radiates an infinite number of copies of itself, just like our Sun. In Edge theory, pho/tons are seeds that can grow into DNA based l/ife, or pla/nets and s/tars like our sun. This unifying theory goes on to show how the information embedded in the geometry of the spirals, bends, and folds of the toroidal DNA transforms the geno/type of this torus into an a/tom in place of an atom, c/ell in place of a cell, eye in place of an eye, seemingly exact model of the pheno/types of the caterpillar, the butterfly, all of Gaia's genome, and our whole Universe.
How is this possible? Simply by 'embedding' Oneness and Duality, Balance & imBalance, Finite & Infinite dimensions and timespans, and the Conservation of Energy combined with Creation from nothing, in the toroidal transformation described below.
Many people will find this answer confusing simply because Edge theory does not proceed from any existing tradition in Science. If you take the logic in and let it settle, it becomes remarkably easy to understand our Universe and our Creator in orders of magnitude more detail and wholeness than our current Science and Theology allows.
​In common everyday experience everything is separate. I am separate from you, and the computer I write these words on, and the computer you read these words on, are separate from both of us. Yet both our spiritual traditions and our scientific experiments tell us that everything is connected somehow.
Edge theory began as a quest to find a geometry that embodies this simultaneous Oneness and Duality. The quest began with the Mobius strip, a unique mathematical object that, like the torus above, obviously has two sides, yet both sides are the same side, at the same time.
Figure 2 (Click to view animation of a Mobius strip)
Can you imagine a Mobius strip that has an infinitely large surface area and no edge? Such a geometry would embody a 'perfect' illusion of Oneness and Duality. Edge theory transforms a Mobius strip into that geometry. This transformation occurs in two stages. In the first stage, the Mobius strip transforms into the torus above, while in the second stage the torus transforms into our whole Universe.
Edge theory uses two snakes eating each other's tails as an analogy to help you understand the single force that causes the second stage of the transformation. This force combines with a mathematically rigorous technique that also 'embeds' Balance, Infiniteness, and the Conservation of Energy, along with their opposites. This unique combination appears to explain the outstanding issues in Science and Theology. Some of the improvements Edge theory proposes to our understanding of our Universe and our Consciousness includes the following.
As matter exists in solid, liquid, gas, & plasma, light exists as a Field of photon's, DNA based life, planets and stars with magnetic fields, and plasma. In other words, we really are starlight and came from the stars as light.
Gravity is a property of this Light field and results from the continuous creation of curvature in the Light field.
Time's strange properties result from all timespans being both Infinte and Finite (In/Finite) at the same time. As described below, this is what we observe in our Universe.
This property of time generates a first Dark or invisible energy effect. Strangely, the many types of Dark or invisible energy revealed by Edge theory are all properties of the Light field. Dark matter in this toroidal Universe is the In/Finitely large Light field. This first Light field effect causes a change in the amount of energy various parts of the torus exhibit in the transformation.
A second Dark, or invisible, Light field energy effect results from all dimensions in the toroidal Light field being both Infinite and Finite at the same time. This second Light field effect creates Morphic Resonators within the toroidal Universe that create effects seemingly identical to Dr. Sheldrake's theorized Morphic Resonance. Our Ancients knew these Morphic Resonators as the Flower of Life and the Eternal Flame.
The mathematically rigorous technique that 'embeds' simultaneous, equal and opposite, Balance and imBalance, creates effects that simultaneously act:
instantaneously, (faster than the speed of photons) &
delayed (slower than the speed of photons)
Edge theory explains the handedness of the Universe, and shows how this torus undergoing this transformation generates quantized, high & low energy pulses at West and East in the Light field at, shockingly, the golden ratio.
The toroidal Universe this transformation produces has exactly equal amounts of expansion & contraction which occur in separate regions of the In/Finite toroidal space.
DNA based life and consciousness are effects of this transformation of the Light field in the same way that gravity is. In other words, DNA based life and consciousness are built into the fabric of the toroidal Light field in the same way that gravity is.
The images in the carving below resonate with the Unified Field Theo/logy Edge theory proposes. Explaining the meaning of individual elements like the Was sceptre requires a relatively advanced understanding of Edge theory. Stay tuned.
![Sobek5 The-God-of-Pharaoh.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/479c9b_ed00f03e929342e481b26d6b27b6285f~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_744,h_573,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Sobek5%20The-God-of-Pharaoh.png)
Figure 3
Edge theory also offers an explanation of the strange sayings in the Gospel of Thomas, especially Saying 22: "When you make the two one and make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside and the above like the below, and that you might make the male and the female be one and the same, so that the male might not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye and a hand in place of a hand and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image - then you will enter the kingdom."
Edge theory appears to illuminate the Neolithic spirals, the Ying Yang symbol, the Handbag, Ankh, Ptah, the Was Sceptre, and the Philosophers Stone (you don't need to make it, see the Book of Genesis, Chapter 1, verses 29 & 30), and explains why the next Consciousness event is by Fire not Water.
Sound impossible? It gets better. Edge theory drastically simplifies both the mathematics underlying our science and the science underlying our Theology. If you understand π (pi) and can apply the formula for the area and circumference of a circle, as well as the Pythagorean theory, you can understand Edge theory, and the conscious living Universe, in much more detail than today's Science or Theology allows.
If you don't understand π or Pythagoras, someone you know does. You can easily find someone who can help you with that part.
In Edge theory, the complexity normally associated with the leading edge of mathematical physics lies only in the concepts and processes of 'embedding' the four dualities in this transformation, not the number math. While the number math is simple, the concepts involved in 'embedding' the 4 dualities in the transformation are both very simple and, admittedly, a little bit 'mind-bending'. The concepts are 'mind-bending' only because they do not proceed from any current tradition within mathematical physics. They don't directly relate to anything already 'known' which makes them, initially, a little bit hard to understand (although they resonate strongly with our most ancient knowledge). One thing is for sure, these simple but 'mind'bending' concepts are almost infinitely easier to understand than String theory or Complex Differential Equations with Imaginary Numbers, the current 'languages' of mathematical physics.'
My goal in these papers is to break down the process of embedding the 4 dualities into small baby steps to make Edge theory accessible to anyone who wants to under stand our Universe and our Creator.
Edge theory is Disclosure.
By Disclosure, I mean the Disclosure the UFO crowd keeps seeking. This Disclosure, however, is the re-membering of our original unifying geometrical language that we 'lost' during the 'Tower of Babel' event.
I could not have discovered Edge theory, unaided, in many, many, lifetimes. No human being (not even The Elon and trillions of AI chips) could have done this unaided. I did NOT set out to find this Unified Field Theo/logy and succeed where other's have failed. Not at all.
I am simply a Messenger of a Higher intelligence that seeks to disclose Edge theory to humankind at this time in our evolution.
This Higher intelligence 'spoke' to me many times since age 13. At age 17, this Higher intelligence told me, in the middle of a Functions and Relations class at Ashbury College in Ottawa, Canada, that I had been created specifically to solve & under stand Edge theory, draw these pictures, and write these words.
This Higher intelligence guided me, step by step, through the required training & life experiences (as well as several medical miracles) required to solve Edge theory via direct messages, visions, & the direct takeover of the rudder of my life (many times), so that I could re-member and now publish this Once & Future understanding of our Universe and our Creator.
Laugh at me if you want to. Ridicule me if you want to. But while doing so, show me the error in Edge theory.
Good luck to you all. The Door to the Kingdom is now Open.
Neptune7, aka Steven Lawrence Kayser
Edge theory emerges from a series of models where the surface area of the Mobius strip increases to infinitely large while the edge length of the Mobius strip shrinks to 0 or infinitely small. The first step increases the surface area to infinitely large, while the second step shrinks the edge to infinitely small.
In the drawing below, the surface area of the piece of paper is 2" x 10" = 20". The length of the edge of the piece of paper is 2" + 10" + 2" + 10" = 24".
To transform a piece of paper or cardboard into a Mobius strip and then into the torus...
Figure 4
Figure 5
"Needs More Ma-at!"
The very moment I finished building the first One and Two sided pyramid I heard those words in my mind. I knew that Ma-at referred to the ancient Egyptian Scientific Principal of Ma-at, that I knew as Balance.
I had never used the word Ma-at before. It was NOT my own conscious mind that said those words.
While trying to understand what it meant, I had a vision of two pyramids, one upside down, jointed at the peak, and remembered the axiom 'As Above So Below.' A few minutes later I had a cardboard version of the rectangular torus shown below in front of me.
Figure 6. (Click for definition of q/uark)
A full discussion of 'embedding' Ma-at or Balance, along with Isfet or imBalance, in the transformation goes beyond the scope of this first paper. For now, I'll just point out that the curved line torus above, after embedding Balance & imBalance (Ma-at & Isfet) simultaneously, embodies the two types of symmetry shown below. The transformation ONLY generates our experienced Universe when the torus begins with this specific shape that embodies Balance & imBalance this way.
Figure 7
Both of these two symmetries make each half of the Torus simultaneously equal & opposite to the other half. Each half of both symmetries is
i) A perfect Balance to the other half, &
ii) An exact Opposite, or imBalance, of the other half,
at the same time. Take your time to let that sink in.
In addition to embodying im+Balance this way, the torus also embodies In/Finite dimensions. (Infinite & Finite at the same time)
How? A regular 12" ruler has 12 x 1" divisions, 24 x 1/2" division, 48 x 1/4" division, etc. How many divisions would a 12" ruler have if each division was infinitely small?
In the exact same way, the surface area of the torus above is simultaneously
i) Finite &
ii) Infinite
at the same time. Again, take your time to let that sink in.
In this way, the torus above begins to 'embed' Oneness & Duality (One/Duality), Balance & imBalance (im+Balance), & Infinite and Finite (In/Finite) timespans at the same time.
Before the OuroBoros comes the DiOuroBoros
Many of our ancient myth's describe a continuous cycle of the Creation and the Destruction of our physical Universe caused by an Ouroboros, a World Snake, eating its tail.
Ouro means 'tail', Boros means 'eating', Uni means 'One(ness)' Verse means 'turning'.
Tail eating creates One(ness) turning.
As described above, transforming the Mobius strip into the torus begins to embody Oneness & Duality (One/Duality), Balance & imBalance (im+Balance), and Infinite & Finite (In/Finite) dimensions & time spans.
In order to 'shrink' the edge of the torus in Figure 1 to zero length while maintaining im+Balance (simultaneous Balance and imBalance), Edge theory imagines the edge of the torus as two snakes (DiOuroBoros), each with the other's tail in its mouth. The two snakes take turns biting each other's tails until the length of the edge reaches zero.
How the edge of the Torus shrinks to zero length & disappears
Figure 8
As an example of how an edge can shrink to zero, imagine a simple round ball with a hole in it. Now imagine the edge of the hole as a snake with its tail in its mouth, taking bite after bite until the length of the edge shrinks to 0 and the hole disappears.
In the exact same way, the edge of the torus shrinks to 0 length, or infinitely small with one small difference. To embody im+Balance & In/finite dimensions and time spans, the transformation of the In/Finite torus into our Universe requires two snakes, biting each other's tails.
Figure 9
As each snakebite causes the edge to shrink, the 'mass' of the disappearing edge is converted into rotation 'energy' at West & East. The next section begins to explain why & how this happens.
To expand your understanding of the second step of Edge Theory, imagine the edge of the torus as if it were made of two scarfs, not two snakes. Each scarfsnake features a natural coloured silk on one side and a sage coloured cashmere on the other side. Each scarfsnake represents one snake, or half of the edge. One scarfsnake starts at the West point and goes from West through North to East. The other goes from East through South to West.
A West snakebite pulls all parts of both scarfsnake’s toward West, while an East snakebite pulls all parts of both scarfsnake’s toward East. To being to quantify the effects of each snakebite, lets divide each scarfsnake, like a 12" ruler, into 12 sections.
Figure 10
A West (black) snakebite wants to pull the grey stars Inward & downward, while an East (red) snakebite want to pull the grey stars Outward and downward.
Imagine that each West snakebite is just strong enough to twist one section inward until fully horizontal, like the edge at 0 (west) but not a second. So the first West snakebite twists section 1 Inward to horizontal, but not section 2. The second West snakebite twists section 2 Inward to horizontal but not section 3, etc.
It therefore takes 12 West snakebites to twist section 12, or East, horizontal. At exactly East the twist effect also doubles. The effect doubles at East as the transformation divides the effect of each snakebite along both scarfsnakes. A West snakebite pulls both scarfsnakes toward West, meaning that at exactly East the effect of both scarfsnake's adds together.
Figure 11
The effect of the Inward twist of both scarfsnakes adding together at East creates a secondary source of twist effect that appears to act from East. When Only the West Snake bites, this secondary twist effect adds to the primary twist effect, causing additional twist in the sections next to East.
When Only the East snake bites, the exact opposite effects occur at each layer.
Figure 12
Traditional numeric mathematics limits us to finite dimensions and timespans. Our Universe, however, exhibits both Finite & Infinite dimensions and time spans.
We see infinite timespans in the view further back in time from the James Webb Space Telescope.
Numerical mathematical physics (and AI) 'fears' Infinity, as their numerical mathematics, which is merely digital, cannot incorporate Infinity.
Edge theory successfully integrates Infinity into a numerically valid model of reality by recognizing that we see Finiteness & Infiniteness in our experienced Universe and embedding all timespans and dimensions as both Infinite and Finite (In/Finite) at the same time.
To 'embed' In/Finite timespans, the torus must react as if the timespan between snakebites is: i) a Finite positive value, ii) Infinitely short (∞0), and iii) Infinitely long (+∞), all at the same time. In other words the transformation must proceed as if: i) Only One Snake bites at a time, ii) Both Snakes bite at the same time, and. iii) No Sakes bite at all.
Edge theory resolves this 'impossible' rule by simply calculating the amount of twist at each layer for the Finite, Infinitely long, and Infinitely short timespans, adding them together, and then adjusting the result to preserve the Conservation of Energy.
Figure 13
In the illustration above we see the first step in creating the first dark energy. The total twist at all layers for a West bite and an East bite is 156.
When Both Snakes bite at the same time, common sense and Conservation of Energy both say that the total twist should be 156 + 156 = 312. However, the total twist is just 168. What happened to the 'missing' twist energy? Did it just disappear? Before answering this question, let's look at what happens when No Snakes bite at all,
Figure 14. *The 'flexibility' of the edge when No Snakes bite at all becomes very important later.
We see the Conservation of Energy everywhere in our Universe. The transformation must therefore Conserve the Energy of all three timelines as if they occurred at the same time.
The chart below illustrates a simple method to combine all three contradictory timelines. Each line adds together the amount of twist at each section of the edge which Conserves the Energy of the Infinite timelines.
This method results in the total twist increasing from 156 to 324 (as if the total was multiplied by 324/156), which would violate the Conservation of Energy. By simply reducing the twist at each section by the exact opposite amount, (as if multiplying by the exact inverse, 156/324) the total twist stays the same, while the twist at each layer changes.
Thus, the unchanged total amount of twist Conserves the Finite timeline Energy while the changed amount of twist at each section Conserves the Infinite timeline Energy.
Figure 15
As emphasis, Conserving the Energy of the Infinite timelines changes the amount of twist at East, the first line, from 24 to 23.111, the second line changes from 22 to 20.222 etc. The amount of twist at each line changes.
At the same time, Conserving the Energy of the Finite timeline maintains the total amount of twist at 156. In this way the transformation introduces the first of two Dark energies that changes the amount of twist at each layer while maintaining the same amount of total finite twist energy.
Note how when Only the West Snake bites, both East and West rotate. East rotates more, at 23.111, while West rotates less, at 11.556. This crates a High energy pulse at East and a Low energy pulse at West.
By the same logic, an East snakebite produces a High energy pulse at West and a Low energy pulse at East. Alternating West and East snakebites generate alternating High and Low energy pulses at West and East and an alternating Gradient of rotation along the entire edge.
Initially, we defined the number of sections along each snakescarf as 12. This keeps the number math simple. Edge theory defines the number of sections along each snakescarf as In/Finite. In the upcoming papers, as the number of sections increases toward In/Finite, and after modifying the amount of twist by the In/Finite dimensions principle, the alternating snakebites produce total quantized energy pulses for the West half and East half of both scarf snakes at, shockingly, the Golden Ratio, accurate to 3 decimal places. Even more shockingly, the same process produces a vibration pattern at South & North seemingly identical to the Flower of Life.
This first dark energy source takes the first step towards a much simpler & more coherent explanation for all double slit experiments*. The first element of this explanation arises from applying In/Finite timelines to the basic structure of the experiments.
*If you are unfamiliar with the 'double slit experiments' feel free to continue below. You do not need to familiarize yourself with these experiments to understand Edge theory.
Double slit experiments fall into two groups. In the first group only one timeline exists. The photon gun fires, and the photon hits the detector behind the slits. One timeline.
In the second group, two timelines exist. The photon gun fires, and the photon hits some kind of detector or obstacle at the slits. One timeline. The photon then proceeds from this first detector to the second detector behind the slits. Second timeline.
The In/Finite timelines property of our Universe requires a toroidal pho/ton to resolve the In/Finite timelines at the detector at the slits and again at the detector behind the slits.
This along with other features of this torus undergoing this transformation as described in upcoming papers appears to explain all double slit experiment results in a much simpler way.
Edge theory does not appear to proceed from any existing tradition in Science or Theology. If you find the concepts involved in 'embedding' these 4 dualities in one transformation confusing, I suggest letting the logic settle in your mind for a while, and then coming back to read this paper again. In time, the logic becomes both simple and obvious. You can also interact with me and ask question on Patreon or (hopefully) on the website where you found this paper.
This first introduction to Edge theory introduces a new idea. This new idea explores a mathematically rigorous method of 'embedding' 4 core dualities we observe in our Universe into this new mathematics.
The transformation 'embeds';
i) Oneness & Duality (One/Duality) by creating a geometry that has One side and Two sides at the same time. We see this in our Universe as we all appear separate, yet somehow we sense that everything is connected.
ii) Balance & imBalance (im+Balance) by beginning with a unique torus with two different symmetries where one half of the Torus is an exact balance to the other half while simultaneously being the exact opposite, or imBalance, of the other half. We see im+Balance in our Universe as both instantaneous action at a distance and Karma.
The transformation continues to embed im+Balance while also embedding...
iii) ...Infinite & Finite timespans (In/Finite) by combining the effect of Only One Snake biting at a time, Both Snakes biting at the same time, and No Snakes biting at all.
Edge theory resolves this seemingly impossible contradiction by embedding...
iv) ...the Conservation of Energy, which we observe everywhere in our physical Universe. This Conservation of Energy changes the amount of twist at each point along the edge due to the Infinitely long and Infinitely short timespans while maintaining the total amount of twist due to the Finite timespan.
The next paper, Edge Theory II, The Flower of Life & The Golden Ratio, shows how the In/Finite dimensions we see in our measurements of the curvature of the Universe modifies the ratio of the Low & High energy rotation pulses at West and East into the Golden Ratio, accurate to 3 decimal places, as the number of sections increases.
Figure 16
These next papers also show how these High & Low energy rotation pulses at West and East go on to cause...
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
As the Equator must be In/Finite length, when the Equator reaches ∞0 length, it must also be ∞ long, meaning that the torus does and does not divide. The part that does not divide connects the part of the toroidal c/ells that does divide in a morph/ogenic field. Note this is not a claim, it is a definition of a m/orphogenic field in this transformation.
The torus thus divides into an In/Finite number of spinning torus’s occupying every point in an In/Finite and In/Finitely expanding space.
When the edge reaches zero length the constructive interference of 9 waves in the memeBrain (these waves result from this transformation) add together at every point of the memeBrain of all of the torus’s and cause every point to radiate copies of the torus at an In/finite rate.
This creates a toroidal Uni/verse that, to embody im+Balance, must have an exactly equal amount of torus’s contracting into Oneness and expanding out of Oneness.
Can all of this be nothing but a co-incidence?
Upcoming Papers
Edge Theory II: The Flower of Life & the Golden Ratio.
Edge Theory III: Coriolis, Compression, & the Eternal Flame.
Edge Theory IV: The pre-helium atom & pre-electron
Edge Theory V: Branching to Radiating. A simpler & more accurate wave-particle duality model.
Edge Theory VI: A Topological Unified Field Theo/logy
Thank you for your time and for any constructive, well intentioned feedback.
"The one who seeks should not cease seeking until he finds. And when he finds, he will be dismayed. And when he is dismayed, he will be astonished. And he will be king over the All."
Good luck to you all.