N.B. In the definitions below the added symbols + and / identify either:
i) new, composite words that identify a property with its exact opposite, such as In/Finite, meaning both Infinite and Finite dimensions at the same time, or a+Symmetry, meaning both asymmetry and symmetry at the same time, or
ii) words like c/ell, that specify the stage of this torus undergoing this transformation that exhibits biological cell like features, rather than a real biological cell.
+∞. A positive number up to intinitely large. Not 0 or infinitely small.
∞0. 0 or infinitely small.
a+Symmetry. The torus is simultaneously symmetrical and asymmetrical to itself across all 3 axis.
Above half. All parts of the mBrain between the East half of the Edge/Axis and the P/rime Meridian.
Alpha constant. Known as the fine-structure constant or Sommerfeld constant, the Alpha constant quantifies the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles. It is often compared to the golden ratio.
A/tom. Torus with multiple q/uark's and cones organized to produce proton, neutron, & electron like elements. (See Edge Theory IV)
Axis. The shortest line between North and South. The Axis lies on the x axis.
Below half. All parts of the mBrain between the West half of the Edge/Axis and the P/rime Meridian.
C/ell. Torus with biological cell like features. See re/Illusion.
Cone. The part of the torus that connects the 'outside' to the axis.
Conse/Creation. Conservation of energy simultaneously united with Creation from nothing.
Conservation of energy. In a closed system energy is neither created nor destroyed but simply changes form.
Creation from nothing. The doctrine that matter is not eternal but had to be created by some divine creative act.
DiOuroBoros. Like the world snake known as the Ouroboros, the DiOuroBoros is two snakes with each other's tails in their mouth.
Equator. The Equator is the shortest line between West to East that crosses the Prime Meridian twice and the Zero/point once. The Equator lies on the zy plane.
Equatorial points. West and East.
Eternal Flame. The vibration pattern at South & North after the Gradient effect modifies the Flower of Life pattern. (See Edge Theory II)
Flower of Life. The vibration pattern at South & North caused by the In/Finite dimensions of the Torus. (See Edge Theory II)
Geno/type. The geno/type of a torus is the topological score built into i) the spirals & bends of each edge and ii) the double helix of the South edges and the North edges. This topological score provides the information that produces i) the building materials and ii) the scaffolding that organises the building materials into the pheno/type, or observable traits of the torus when the edge reaches ∞0 length.
Golden ratio. Two quantities, a and b, are in the golden ratio if (a+b)/a = a/b = 1.618033
Gradient effect. The effect of the rotation gradient on the edge and axis. (See Edge Theory II)
Gra/vity. The ‘pulling together’ effect created by the spiraling of all four edges which ‘pulls’ all parts of the torus towards the Zero/point
Heart/beat. The alternating high and low pressure rotation pulses at East and West.
High- The value of the High pressure pulse minus the value of the Ideal Flame constant.
Ideal Flame constant. The value π-2d which modifies the high and low pressure rotation pulse into the correct value to bring the low pressure rotation pulse and the high pressure rotation pulse into the Golden Ratio.
Ideal Flame effect. The value the Ideal Flame constant x the High pressure pulse for a given number of layers.
im+Balance. Keeping the transformation in simultaneous Balance and imbalance at all times.
im+Perfect. Edge theory promises a perfect understanding of all natural phenomena to any level of detail, and simultaneously an infinite level of detail that is beyond our understanding. Gnosis of Edge theory leads back to a choice, to Believe or not.
In/Finite. Infinite & finite values at the same time.
L/ife. Self organizing group of toroidal c/ells. See re/Illusion
Low+. The value of the Low pressure pulse plus the value of the Ideal Flame effect.
mBrain. Short for memeBrain, the surface of the torus and the medium of transmission of the Morphic flame.
Metaphysics. Metaphysics describes the fundamental nature of reality and existence.
Mobius strip. A continuous closed surface with only one side; formed from a rectangular strip by rotating one end 180 degrees and joining it with the other end. Discovered in the modern era by Johann Benedict Listing and August Ferdinand Möbius in 1858, numerous ancient artworks display the Mobius strip, and most major features of this transformation of this torus, prominently.
Morph/ic resonance. The process whereby self-organising torus’s develop via the Eternal Flame vibrations transmitted via the mBrain.
Morphic resonators. The vibration pattern at South & North that results from the In/finite dimensions of the Torus causing the memeBrain at South & North to occupy multiple positions simultaneously.
Morph/ogenic Field. See re/Illusion.
North half. All parts of the mBrain on the north side of the E/quator & yz Mirror plane.
One/Duality. Objects like the Mobius strip and the torus in Edge Theory that have one side and two sides at the same time.
Pheno/type. S toroidal pheno/type is the observable physical features of a torus when all information embedded in the edge transfers into the mBrain when the edge reaches ∞0.
Pho/ton. Torus with photon like features. See re/Illusion.
Pla/net. Torus with planet like features. See re/Illusion.
Pre-toroidal field. The torus shown in Figure 1 of Edge Theory 1, which is simply a way of 'approaching' or gaining understanding of the One/Duality. You could perhaps think of it like a mental doorway. The torus as shown does not exist. When you mentally go through that doorway, ie, follow along with the papers to the 'end of the transformation where the edge reaches zero length, you have an object with i) One side & ii) Two sides at the same time, and No Edge, that also has im+Balance, In/Finiteness, & Conse/Creation embedded, that object appears to produce a 'perfect' model of our experienced Universe.
It produces a Universe that exhibit perfect i) Balance, as in a perfect balance of Positive & Negative united with ii) imBalance, as in Chirality and Helicity. To sum, the torus as shown does not exist, the end result of the transformation of the torus under the conditions stated appears identical to our Universe.
Prime meridian. The line that is exactly half way from the East edge and Axis to the West edge and Axis along the mBrain.
Q/uark. The connection between Above & Below in the topology. This connection takes three forms; straight, right twist, and left twist which creates 6 half q/uark's that appear identical to quark's in legacy mathematical physics (see below).
Quark. In legacy mathematical physics, a quark (source: Encyclopaedia Britannica) is any member of a group of elementary subatomic particles that interact by means of the strong force and are believed to be among the fundamental constituents of matter. Quarks associate with one another via the strong force to make up protons and neutrons, in much the same way that the latter particles combine in various proportions to make up atomic nuclei. There are six types, or flavours, of quarks that differ from one another in their mass and charge characteristics. These six quark flavours can be grouped in three pairs: up and down, charm and strange, and top and bottom. Quarks appear to be true elementary particles; that is, they have no apparent structure and cannot be resolved into something smaller.
Re/Illusion. The torus at the ‘end’ of the transformation when the edge and all lengths reach ∞0.
Rotation axis. The x axis.
Scroll. The mBrain wrapped arount the Axis.
South half. All parts of the mBrain on the south side of the E/quator & yz Mirror plane.
S/tar. Tours with star like features. See re/Illusion.
Syn/chronicity. Repeated recurrence of the im+Balance of the initial topology automatically producing effects needed for the transformation to maintain mathematical rigor.
Theo/logy. How the snakebties must occur to create a Uni/verse similar to our observed Universe.
Uni/verse. See re/Illusion.
ZAP. The Zero/point, Axis, North and South Poles as a unit.
Zero/point. The middle of the Axis.
zy Mirror plane. The flat zy plane perpendicular to the Axis that passes through West and East. The Equator lies on the Mirror plane exactly.